To-do next
- [x] Re-do video of 1.3
- [ ] Waiting for update about instructor dashboard
- [x] Re-do course outline document
- [x] Fill in metadata
- [ ] Fill in Ruby on Rails - Security
- [ ] Section 1
- [ ] Section 2
- [ ] Section 3
- [ ] Section 4
- [ ] Section 5
- [ ] Section 6
- [ ] Section 7
- [x] Assessment of course → Questions
Section 1
Course COV
1.1 - Intro + 1.2 - About
Section 3
3.1 - What is CSRF
3.2 - CSRF in Rails
3.3 - CSRF countermeasures
3.4 - What is Clickjacking
3.5 - Clickjacking in Rails & Countermeasures
Section 5
5.1 - What is rate limiting
5.2 - Rate limiting tactics and strategies
5.3 - Safelisting and blacklisting
5.4 - Tracking and throttling
5.5 - Advanced Concepts of Rate limiting using rack attack
5.6 - Combining it all together
Section 7
7.1 - What's covered so far. What you should learn next.
7.2 - Goodbye!
Section 2
2.1 - SQL Injections
2.2 - XSS Injection
2.3 - Header Injection
2.4 - Command, CSS and AJAX Injection
Section 4
4.1 - What are headers?
4.2 - Default headers - Rails
4.3 - CSPs
Section 6
6.1 - File uploads - Basics
6.2 - Scanning files for viruses using clamav
6.3 - Image filter - blocking images
6.4 - Image filter - blocking based on content type
6.5 - Image filter - fixing metadata leak
6.6 - Why and how to test using brakeman
6.7 - Analyzing results of brakeman report
Ruby on Rails - Security
Duration - 4 hours 15 mins (255 mins)
- Introduction - 10. Rem → 245 min
- What is Ruby? What is Rails?
- Why Ruby on Rails?
- About this course
- Injections in Rails - 70. Rem → 175 min.
- SQL Injection - 17
- Cross site Scripting - 19
- Header Injection - 11
- Command, CSS and AJAX Injection - 22
- CSRF & Clickjacking in Rails - 60. Rem → 115 min.
- What is CSRF - 8
- CSRF in rails - 15
- Countermeasures - 19
- What is Clickjacking - 9
- Clickjacking in rails & Countermeasures - 6
- Default Headers + CSP - 15. Rem → 100
- What are headers?
- Default headers rails generates
- CSPs
- Rate limiting using rack attack - 60. Rem → 40.
- What is rate limiting
- Rate limiting tactics and strategies
- Safelisting and blacklisting
- Tracking and throttling
- Advanced Concepts of Rate limiting using rack attack
- Combining it all together
- Filters & Testing applications using Brakeman - 40
- File uploads - Basics
- Scanning files for viruses using clamav
- Image filter - blocking images
- Image filter - blocking based on content type
- Image filter - fixing metadata leak
- Why and how to test using brakeman
- Analyzing results of brakeman report
- Wind up - 5
- What's covered so far. What you should learn next.
- Goodbye!
Course authoring - Ruby on Rails Security