What is rate limiting

A rate limiting solution measures the amount of time between each request from each IP address, and also measures the number of requests within a specified timeframe. If there are too many requests from a single IP within the given timeframe, the rate limiting solution will not fulfill the IP address's requests for a certain amount of time.

Essentially, a rate-limited application will say, "Hey, slow down," to unique users that are making requests at a rapid rate. This is comparable to a police officer who pulls over a driver for exceeding the road's speed limit, or to a parent who tells their child not to eat so much candy in such a short span of time.

In contrast, bot management can holistically detect bot activity in general. For instance, Bot management solutions can use machine learning to identify likely bots, which enables it to block a wider variety of bot attacks (like credential stuffingspam posting, inventory hoarding, etc.).